Perform label-free analysis of cellular responses to infections, drugs, exogenous chemical and physical stressors with IR microscopy, including phenotyping for diagnostic perspectives.
The analysis may be performed on fixed cellular samples as well as under near-physiological conditions to preserve cell dynamics. Gain deep insights into cellular behaviours and pharmacological effects without sample damaging or staining, with cellular and subcellular lateral resolution, by hyperspectral biochemical profiling. Single point spectroscopy as well as cellular mapping are possible.
For hyperspectral cytology with cellular resolution, the instrumentation employed is the Hyperion 3000 Vis-IR microscope mounting a single point Mid-band MCT detector (10,000-600 cm-1) and coupled with INVENIO-R Fourier Transform Infrared Interferometer, FTIR (Bruker). Transmission and reflection microscopy is possible, depending on the sample substrate and characteristics, with a lateral resolution of a few tens of microns.
For hyperspectral cytology with sub-cellular resolution, the instrumentation employed is the Optical-Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) spectral microscope (Photothermal). The instrument, unique in the Italian scenario, exploits non-contact visible-probe detection of the photothermal IR effect and overcomes the spatial resolution limitation of traditional FTIR microscopy.
Sub-micrometric lateral resolution is achievable for both fixed and unfixed cellular samples. The instrument combines at the same measurements point green-excited Raman microscopy with comparable lateral resolution and epifluorescence, providing a multi-technique analytical platform in a single instrument.
Examine tissue responses to pathogens or drugs, as well as disease progression, using IR microscopy for comprehensive hyperspectral mapping.
Understand the impact of therapeutic agents or disease at the organ level, advancing diagnostic and prognostic capabilities with non-damaging label-free hyperspectral imaging.
For hyperspectral histological imaging, the instrumentation employed is the Hyperion 3000 Vis-IR microscope mounting a large area Focal Plane Array (FPA) 128x128 pixel detector and coupled with INVENIO-R Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (Bruker). The covered spectral range, 4,000-750 cm-1, allows for the analysis of the most relevant spectral bands diagnostic of tissue lipids, proteins, aminoacids and carbohydrates. Transmission and reflection acquisition modalities are foreseen, depending on the sample substrate, with a lateral resolution of some microns up to a about 1 micron.
Hyperspectral Cytology