Users can access lab-on-chip instruments within a microfluidic framework, seamlessly interfacing with organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) for the purpose of testing and developing devices.
The devices can be used in the domain of human clinical investigation, in which novel biosensor prototypes undergo rigorous testing and validation for the detection of viral or bacterial pathogens (e.g. Sars-Cov-2). Simultaneously, under the One Health Veterinary & Agriculture (OHVA) pathogen handling and identification initiative, biosensor tests are employed to identify pathogens in diverse environments during human-animal-environment interactions.
Key tools featured in this facility include a MALDI Biotyper sirius IVD System (Bruker), equipment for confocal and epi-fluorescence microscopy imaging to assess the status of cells or tissues after electrical measurements. Comparative analyses with golden standard diagnostic procedures, such as RT-PCR and NGS, encompass aspects like analytical sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic sensitivity for different genotypes and diagnostic specificity.
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