PRP@CERIC's Vision and Commitment Unveiled at "Promoting Innovation in the Life Sciences" Event

On November 8ᵗʰ and 9ᵗʰ, the Trieste Convention Center hosted the event Promoting Innovation in the Life Sciences. Among the prominent speakers was our Federica Mantovani, Infrastructure Manager of the Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade (PRP@CERIC) in Area Science Park.

During her presentation, Federica highlighted the fundamental objectives and development prospects of our Research Infrastructure for pathogen research. She shared with the scientific community the opportunities offered by PRP@CERIC to address possible future pandemics, through early intervention, development of therapies and prevention approaches.

Our participation in the event underscored the commitment and vision of PRP@CERIC in developing innovative strategies and making a significant contribution to life sciences research.

Research Infrastructure