Lucio Calcagnile

Lucio Calcagnile


University of Salento


Since 2005, Lucio Calcagnile is full professor of Applied Physics at the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Salento, where he is the leader of the Applied Physics Group consisting of about 20 researchers among full and associate professors, researcher and technicians. During his tenure, he also held the position of Deputy Director of the department. He is the founder and director of the Center of Applied Physics of the University of Salento (CEDAD). Since 1999 CEDAD is the first Italian Center for research and service for radioactive and stable isotope measurements by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), Ion Beam Analysis and material modifications by charged particles.

He has been visiting scientist at AMOLF Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam, at the Tandetron-CNRS laboratory in Gif sur Ivette, France, at the AGLAE laboratory in Paris and at Leibniz Labor for Isotope Research in Kiel, Germany.

His research interests include particle and photon beam interaction with matter, engineering of nanostructured materials, sensors and radiation detectors, development of photocatalytic materials for antibacterial and environmental applications, stable and radioactive isotope analyses for applications to Cultural Heritage, Environment and Life Sciences.

He is co-author of more than 250 papers in international journals or books and he gave more than 50 invited talks and lectures abroad. He organized tens of international workshops and conferences, and he is member of the International Advisory Board of the most important international conferences on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Excellence ISUFI (Higher Institute for Interdisciplinary Training). He has been responsible for projects of the Italian Ministry of Research, referee for projects of foreign institutions, expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency and principal investigator of IAEA Coordinated Research Projects for sub-cellular imaging and irradiation using accelerator-based techniques.

He is co-responsible at the University of Salento of the Bio Open Lab Project, in the framework of the Central European Research Infrastructure CERIC-ERIC for the study of materials sensitive to radiation damage with an atomic resolution using a JEOL HOLO-TEM and of the PRP@CERIC Project for the University of Salento. He is also in charge of the European Research Infrastructure PER-ACTRIS- Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases for the University of Salento.

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