Single Cell Spatial Imaging Analyzer

Xenium Analyzer

Xenium Analyzer is an in situ solution for subcellular profiling of hundreds of RNA targets. With a powerful visualization software and an easy-to-follow workflow, the instrument is able to reveal new insights into cellular structure and function. It features state-of-the-art image acquisition and high-resolution optics with a nanometer-level localization precision.

  • Sample input flexibility: compatible with fresh frozen (FF) and formalin fixed & paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues.
  • Pre-designed gene panels with custom capabilities for in situ gene profiling.
  • Increased speed and throughput: large sample area (12 x 24 mm) allows for larger tissues or multiple tissues to be included in a single run, increasing efficiency and saving time.
  • Intuitive instrument design and interface.
  • Automated on-instrument workflow to perform successive rounds of fluorescent probe hybridization, imaging, and probe removal to generate optical signature for each transcript.
  • Resolution: transcript XY-localization precision < 30 nm and Z-localization precision < 100 nm; Pixel size = ~0.2 µm/pixel.
  • Subcellular resolution and single molecule detection with sub-50 nm XY localization precision.
  • Total tissue area analyzable per run: ~ 472 mm².
  • Onboard analysis: image processing, decoding, and secondary analysis are performed in real time on-instrument.
  • The data shows cell-feature matrix, full transcript localization, segmentation boundaries, initial clustering results, and morphology images, and is ready for off-instrument exploration.

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