The instrument is a MALDI-TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometer specifically designed for fast and high spatial resolution MALDI-Imaging applications.
Maldi-mass spectrometry imaging and spatial-omics allow to map the spatial distribution of drugs or biomolecules in tissues, usually mass spectrometry methods rely on the homogenization of tissue and subsequent analysis. This leads to loss of spatial organization of the tissue, thus not providing detailed information of the tissue microenvironment. MALDI mass spectrometry imaging is a label free technique that allows to detect directly on tissue metabolites, lipids, proteins and drugs. Tissues need to be snap-frozen (nitrogen or isopentane) and stored in pre-chilled collection tubes.
The instrument is available to users through CERIC-ERIC and is part of the “BOL: Bio Open Lab” project funded by the Ministry of University and Research (Research and Innovation PON 2014-2020 program).
📍 The instrument is located at DIFARMA of the University of Salerno.