Mass Spectrometry Imaging techniques allow for the label-free, non-destructive analysis of spatial distribution of biomolecules in the target tissue with high precision and resolution. Such technique is essential for understanding tissue alterations due to diseases or pharmaceutical interventions while maintaining the structural integrity of the samples.
We employ a combination of mass spectrometry (MS) system such as MALDI-TOF-TOF system and quadrupole time of flight MS, Rapiflex and TimsTof Flex, respectively, the latter instrument is capable of 5 micrometer spatial resolution and post-ionization (MALDI2) to enhance sensitivity.
We use cryo-sampling methods to prepare tissue sections with minimal disruption, preserving structural integrity. Tissues are sectioned to a thickness of 10-12 micrometers and placed on specially coated slides made from an indium-tin alloy, optimizing them for mass spectrometry analysis.
We ensure micro-scale resolution from 5 micrometers for high-definition studies to or 50- 20 micrometers for routine applications. This high spatial resolution is crucial for accurately mapping the distribution of molecules within tissue samples.
đź“ŤThe MALDI imaging mass spectrometry services are provided by University of Salerno.